Episode 19 | Robert Burns
Burns Day - a special day in the Scottish Calendar, 25th January. Burns Day, when everyone eats haggis and starts toasting one other! Now the Blethers ladies are no aficionados on Scottish poet & national treasure Robert Burns, but since when did that stop them putting in their tuppence worth? Join us for this episode when our chat will be about whether or not Burns is still relevant for the 21st Century.
If you like what you hear, why not join us for one of our virtual tours that will be delivered via Zoom. Helen will be taking you to Carnegie's Dunfermline on Thurs 28th Jan at 8pm London / 3pm EST / noon PT, Susan will take you to the St Kilda archipelago on Thursday 11th Feb (at the same time) and Liz will take you on a tour of Edinburgh : Tale of Two Cities on 25th Feb at the same time. To book, please send an email to scottishbletherspodcast@gmail.com. The costs is £15 per device per event and can be paid by Paypal.
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Liz, Susan & Helen